
Discord Servers

The Front Runners Discord Server:

The Front Runners Discord Server is Ran’s Premier Alpha Group. Its research group is led by The Irishman. Along with other team members like; Kapoor, Paulo and Based Degen, this server seeks to provide trading information across narratives and includes airdrop calls and competitions on a regular basis.

The server’s premium channels include the research call. A daily call around 10 am (SAST) which informs Ran’s daily show almost 5 hours before it airs. Members can listen to the call live or hear the recording posted on the server. The server also has exclusive online calls with some of the industry’s important thought leaders.

The server has many other events and boasts an active community. Front Runners also exists as a Telegram Group in which posts from the Discord are forwarded to Telegram Group.

The Sniper Club Discord Server:

The Sniper Club is Sheldon the Sniper’s Premium Discord Server led by the Lord of Entry himself, Dylan! The server boasts a large experienced team of traders and crypto enthusiasts from around the world. With channels catering to many different trading styles there’s something for everyone. 

From charts to calls, you’ll get information on the crypto market on-goings. This world class team boasts traders and professionals whose trades will change your life. From degen meme channels to fundamental learning you’ll get everything you need to become a great Sniper.

The Whale Room Discord Server:

The Whale Room is Kyle Doops’ premium Discord Server. Kyle, captains the ship and is joined by a powerful crew of trading specialists and moderators. They don’t only trade crypto either! You’ll find takes here on commodities, stocks and other markets. However, Kyle’s macro views on the economy guide their trading throughout with crypto as the focus. 

Chris, Farouk, Josh and Thales lead their own channels, providing calls on the latest on-goings of the crypto market. Over 70% of Whale Room members say they are profitable since joining the server. Whale Room also has a telegram group if members would prefer this platform.

Easy Algo Indicators:

Easy Algo is an Indicator with a discord server which equips members with tools for trading. Members are trained to use the system in a particular way which has a very high hit rate. The strategy compares previous days, weeks and months, highs, lows and price action against where the market is today and attempts to predict price action within particular ranges. 

Seth and his team are effective educators and traders who lead the server successfully. Proof of this is that Easy Algo is the most 5 star rated server on the Whop marketplace.

Whale Trading School
Sniper School
Krown School